32 | Got in LMU, owned a startup, interned at CloudAccess and now Director of Investor Relations, EB5 United - Meet Ishaan Khanna

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Ishaan Khanna | Investor Relations at EB5 United

Growing up Ishaan knew he wanted to pursue Information technology, but he never wanted to code. Hence chose the path of Applied Information Management Systems which is a combination of Management and Information technology. Ishaan describes how is schooling in IB Board helped him adjust better at LMU 

While Ishaan gives many advice and suggestions to young students, he also explains his life struggles while initiating a start up and then interning at Cloud Access Company. Ishaan took inspiration from everyone he has ever worked with and developed his way forward.


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31 | Trisha appreciates the randomness in her journey and is keen on taking up Data Science as next stepping stone