Report on Self-Esteem and its Ripple Effects on Mental Health in Youth - by Kishhit Garg


As an intern for the School for the Heart, a pioneering youth movement focused on fostering self-development and elevating the spiritual quotient in young individuals, I undertook a project to explore the unintelligent design principles by which many young people navigate their lives. One of the standout areas of concern was self-esteem, and its potential negative ripple effects on one's life.


A video response survey was conducted to gain a personal perspective on this topic. Respondents were asked about their personal experiences and insights related to self-esteem, and how they felt it influenced various aspects of their lives


Three friends generously shared their insights and personal narratives. The common thread across all responses was the palpable impact (either from low or unreasonably high self-esteem) on their mental health, interpersonal relationships, and life decisions.

Video Link 1

"Discovering Self: A Journey Through Highs and Lows"

Video Link 2

"Balancing the Scale: Understanding the Weight of Self-worth"

Video Link 3

 "Mirror Reflections: How Self-Esteem Shapes Our Worldview"


The narratives shared by the respondents shed light on the complex nuances of self-esteem and its pervasive influence on life's multiple dimensions. From decisions about personal relationships to mental health struggles and even career choices, the ripple effects of self-esteem are far-reaching.

As a community, understanding these narratives is essential, not just for empathy but to devise informed strategies to foster a healthy self-concept in our youth. This initiative serves as a preliminary step in that direction.


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